Writing Assignment 

Term Paper or Special Presentation (60 pts) - 

Option 1:  Special Presentation (60 pts) - Oral presentation of an article relating to application of one of the methods discussed in class.  Group exercise with short written report (Abstract plus slides with figure captions) - due within one week after presentation.

1. Groups: Students in groups of 3 will present a literature article related to topics covered in class. The presentations should be no more than 15 minutes, shared near equally between the individual presenters (approximately 5 minutes each). Each group will turn in a written abstract (co-authored by the group, but should not simply be a reproduction of the original abstract) and a copy of their slides or PowerPoint Presentation.

 2. Articles: Suggested articles will be posted on course web site, however you are encouraged to find and present an article that is of interest to your group. If you select your own article, send a copy to me so I can post it on the course web site for the class to read and refer to.

 3. Goal:  The focus should be on conveying with words and figures a clear summary of what was reported in the article, with some analysis of the findings and the approach used.

 4. Grades assigned will be based the clarity of the oral presentations, the clarity and quality of the slides used, audience ratings, and the written abstract. both the group and individual presentations.

 5. Slides:

Hints: Use a large enough font for labels to be read easily

Avoid getting too busy of too colorful

Minimize the amount of open space on slide - use your entire canvas wisely

 6. Abstract:

Include names of all presenters, appropriate reference to article presented

Summarize the paper in your own (co-authored) words

Communicate clearly, be neat, avoid spelling and grammatical errors.

Summarize the paper in your own (co-authored) words

Communicate clearly, be neat, avoid spelling and grammatical errors.





Sept. 25


Jennifer Ming-Chyi Hsieh

Angee Ong

Anna Chun-Chia Tseng

Sept. 27

EXAM I   PHR 2.110


Oct. 2



Oct. 4


Micaiah Ward, Tiffany Hakala

Jared Carlson-Stevermer

Oct. 9



Oct. 11



Oct. 16


Oct. 18


Andrew Leal, Taylor Pursell

Ashley Dawson  

Oct. 23



Oct. 25


Keon Hee Kim, Denley Yuan

Ryan Ortez 

Oct. 30



Nov. 1


Avani Ray, Felicia Aquilar

Guadalupe Jasso 

Nov. 6


Nov. 8


Nov. 13


Nov. 15


Cindy Nguyen, Joane Nguyen, Nida Khawaja

Nov. 20


Azael Arizpe,  Mauro Silva and Julian Casabar

Nov. 27


Courtney Clutter, Endrit Mulliqi Sierra van den Dries





Option 2:  Term Paper (60 pts, due Nov. 13) -  write about 1) a technique, 2) a drug, or 3) a Nobel Laureate.  (~6 pages text plus relevant figures and tables with meaningful captions).

To earn an excellent grade on your reports, you must:

   EXAMPLE  OF  WC-2  (should not be this long, but this example is well done in style!)

Technique:  Choose a technique not covered in detail in this course or focus on an application of a technique covered, or not, in this course.  Write a brief ( 5 pages of text + figures + tables) report on the technique or an application of the technique that is of interest to you.  

Cover:  On the cover of your report include: 1) a title for your report, 2) your name, 3) the date and class, 4) the technique.  

Body: Organize your written presentation as you see fit, but do your best to make it interesting, informative, grammatically correct, and a pleasure to read.  You might start by providing a brief overview of the theory employed in the technique, what instruments are used, what are the advantages or disadvantages of this method or other methods that might be used.  

References:  see above

Grading - total 60 pts(Points breakdown:   title page with information asked for (3), understanding and explanation of technique (12), applications of technique (10), advantages and disadvantages (5), tells a clear, interesting story (15), good use of tables and figures (5), references, number, type and style (5), and minimum of typos and errors (5) - may vary depending on approach taken.)

Drug:  Choose a drug (any drug).  Write a brief (5 pages text + figures + tables) report on an aspect of the drug that is of interest to you.   

Cover: Include: 1) a title for your report, 2) your name, 3) the date and class, 4) the drug.  

Body:  Organize your written presentation as you see fit, but do your best to make it interesting, informative, grammatically correct, and a pleasure to read.  For instance, you might describe its history.  How and when was it discovered?  What is it supposed to do?  Describe how it works, at the molecular level.  What proteins or pathways does it influence?  Is it a natural product?  If so, where does it originate.  Is it synthetic?  If so, how is it made.  Note what techniques were important in characterizing the drug.  You might find it most enriching to choose a drug with which you or a friend or family member have a personal experience.  Suggestions are anything you have recently taken yourself, aspirin, any antibiotic, an anti-depressant, any anti-cancer drug or therapeutic, any pain killer, etc, etc, etc.  Substances do not have to be FDA approved (i.e., St. John's wort is OK) or legal in the US, though you may want to choose something where there is some information about the mechanism by which it works.  

References:  see above

Grading - total 60 pts:  (Points breakdown:   title page with information asked for (3), history of drug (10), understanding of how it works (12), advantages and disadvantages (5), tells a clear, interesting story (15), good use of tables and figures (5), references, number, type and style (5), and minimum of typos and errors (5) - may vary depending on approach taken.) 

Nobel Laureate:  Scientist: Choose a Nobel Laureate or other scientist and write a biography or story about that person (5 pages text + figures + tables) that is of interest to you.  

Cover: Include: 1) a title for your report, 2) your name, 3) the date and class, 4) the name of person, 5) what did this person do that was notable .  

Body:  Organize your written presentation as you see fit, but do your best to make it interesting, informative, grammatically correct, and a pleasure to read.  For instance, you might describe a new method or major scientific discovery.  What led to the person making the major break through in light of where our understanding of the science was at that time.  

References:  see above

Grading - total 60 pts:  (Points breakdown:   title page with information asked for (3), biography or story on the person selected (15) and an understanding of their contributions (12), tells a clear, interesting story (15), good use of tables and figures (5), references, number, type and style (5), and minimum of typos and errors (5) - may vary depending on approach taken.)  

Regarding plagiarism:  Please be aware that plagiarism is considered to be ethically unacceptable. Here is a one suggestion as to how to avoid plagiarism: While reading the sources of information that you plan to use in preparing your assignment, take notes on the content, using your own words.  While preparing your paper, refer to your notes, rather than the original source.  If you feel the need to use a phrase from a source, be sure to put the phrase in quotes, and reference the source.  In these days of the internet, it is very easy to find material that can be easily be plagiarized. Be warned, however, that the existence of the internet makes it much easier than ever before to detect plagiarism.  If you plagiarize in writing assignments, you run a high risk of getting caught, and a high risk of failing the course.
