Protein Expression, Purification and Analysis
study proteins and their functions, one must first Produce,
Extract, and Purify the protein.
Produce - tissue
rich in protein / over-expression using cultured cells (see below)
Extract - cell
disruption followed by centrifugation
Purification -
take advantages of differences in solubility, charge, size, and specificity.
(An assay
is needed to monitor the progress of the purification process.)
based on solubility and charge:
Protein purification used to start with a source (organ
tissue, plant source, bacteria line) known to be rich in the protein of
interest. Often this would involve
obtaining many pounds of organ tissue directly from a slaughter house or growing
large (30 or 60L) batches of bacterial culture in order to isolate sufficient
material for further studies.
Typical protocol for isolation of a mammalian protein (after
procedure for chicken heart LDH – H4, Nathan
Kaplan et al., JBC, 239: 1753-1761 (1964):
Modern Methods: Today, the majority of proteins being studied in the laboratory
take advantage of more modern tools of biotechnology to produce
large quantities of proteins needed for study.
Restriction enzyme--molecular scissors
endonucleases--does not require an end (exonucleases)
>100 restriction enzymes known
names come from organism:
recognize a specific palindromic DNA sequence and cut the DNA
palindrome is the same forwards/backwards
some leave 3' overhang; 5' overhang or blunt ends
overhangs leave--"sticky ends"--even though DNA is cut, can have base-pairing
move DNA from one organism to another - "recombinant DNA"
put DNA together with DNA ligase
use synthetic DNA of desired sequence to "paste" on restriction site if
nature did not provide one
methylation protects DNA from restriction enzymes
mechanism for bacteria to protect itself from invading phage or other bacterial
Plamids are cloning vectors
plasmids are closed circular DNA, with origin of replication--replicated
within bacteria to many copies
carries a resistance gene--ampicillin, tetracyclin, kanamycin
take DNA from one organism, cut with RE, isolate fragment desired from
a gel
cut a plasmid or phage DNA with same RE
put these two DNA fragments together via sticky ends, ligate them closed
we have recombinant DNA
this is transferred into bacterial cells by electroporation or chemical
plate on media with antibiotic to kill bacteria that did not take up a
plasmid--no proof that your foreign DNA is there, only that the plasmid
is there
individual colonies contain a single plasmid
How do you know your foreign DNA was inserted?
one method: interrupt a gene that is a reporter - b-galactosidase (lacZ)
use a substrate for b-galactosidase that when
cleaved give a colored compound
do this on antibiotic media to select for plasmid
induce the gene with a lactose-analog
if the gene is intact get blue color--no foreign insert, just plasmid
if the gene has an insert (foreign DNA) then the reading frame is thrown
off and no b-galactosidase is produced--no color
Purification -
take advantages of differences in solubility,
charge, size and
1. Solubility
Charge: column
- Separation by charge (size
a matrix is in a cylindrical holder
buffer flows through the matrix
fractions are collected
separation of biomolecules
Ion-exchange chromatography
proteins have charges due to amino acid side groups
bind to charged column matrix depending on their charge at a particular
anionic matrix--negatively charged (cation exchanger): CMC (carboxymethyl
cellulose), phosphocellulose, heparin sepharose, S-sepharose
cationic matrix --positively charged (anion exchanger): DEAE-sepharose, Q-sepharose
elute bound proteins from column based on charge and displacement by salt
or pH
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
gravity flow very slow--depends on size and amount of liquid at the top
HPLC used high pressure to force liquid through
special matrixes and columns
fast and sometimes better resolution
3. Size -
i) Dialysis
separates on the basis of size, not charge
porous beads--think of golf balls
small molecules go into the holes and get trapped temporarily (Figure)
large molecules are too large to enter the holes and pass on by
exclusion size--depends on the size of the holes
how long the molecules get trapped determines elution order
large out first > medium > small out last (Figure)
choose the size of matrix for the separation needed
Terms: Vtot, Vo, Vpoly, Ve, Kav = (Ve - Vo)/(Vt - Vo)
Plot Kav vs. log MW for known standards and unknown to estimate MW
4. Specificity:
Affinity Chromatography - use of "tagged"
proteins to create affinity site - sep. by specificity
column matrix has a ligand that specifically binds a protein
specialty affinity columns for binding recombinant proteins with certain
6xHis added at N or C terminus--binds Ni++ column
His tag (Figure 1) (Figure
2) (Figure 3) (Figure 4)
other types of "tags"--chitin, glutathione S-transferase (GST).....
from Qiagen
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