Biotechnology  Tools

  • similar to SDS PAGE for proteins: (acrylamide--chemical crosslinks)
  • usually on a horizontal agarose gel--melts at high temperature; solid at room temp
  • detect DNA using ethidium bromide/UV light
    • also detect using radioactivity (32P); fluorescence; chemiluminescence
  • nucleic acids are negatively charged, so move 
    • toward + electrode according to their charge
  • proportional to MW--separate according to size
  • smaller NA move more quickly through gel than larger NA
Restriction enzyme--molecular scissors
  • endonucleases--does not require an end (exonucleases)
  • >100 restriction enzymes known
  • names come from organism:
    • EcoRI--E. coli 
  • recognize a specific palindromic DNA sequence and cut the DNA
    • palindrome is the same forwards/backwards
  • some leave 3' overhang; 5' overhang or blunt ends
  • overhangs leave--"sticky ends"--even though DNA is cut, can have base-pairing
  • move DNA from one organism to another - "recombinant DNA"
  • put DNA together with DNA ligase
  • use synthetic DNA of desired sequence to "paste" on restriction site if nature did not provide one
  • methylation protects DNA from restriction enzymes
  • mechanism for bacteria to protect itself from invading phage or other bacterial DNA
Plamids are cloning vectors
  • plasmids are closed circular DNA, with origin of replication--replicated within bacteria to many copies
  • carries a resistance gene--ampicillin, tetracyclin, kanamycin 
  • take DNA from one organism, cut with RE, isolate fragment desired from a gel
  • cut a plasmid or phage DNA with same RE
  • put these two DNA fragments together via sticky ends, ligate them closed
  • we have recombinant DNA
  • this is transferred into bacterial cells by electroporation or chemical competence
  • plate on media with antibiotic to kill bacteria that did not take up a plasmid--no proof that your foreign DNA is there, only that the plasmid is there
  • individual colonies contain a single plasmid
  • How do you know your foreign DNA was inserted?
  • one method:  interrupt a gene that is a reporter -  b-galactosidase (lacZ)
  • use a substrate for b-galactosidase that when cleaved give a colored compound
  • do this on antibiotic media to select for plasmid
  • induce the gene with a lactose-analog
  • if the gene is intact get blue color--no foreign insert, just plasmid
  • if the gene has an insert (foreign DNA) then the reading frame is thrown off and no b-galactosidase is produced--no color
  • phage may be used as vectors
    • phage are bacterial viruses
  • accept larger pieces of DNA
  • same procedures of cut/paste
  • package phage DNA into virus particles
  • infect a lawn of bacteria
  • phage infection lyses bacteria, clear area "plaque"
  • each plaque represents a single phage
DNA Libraries--what is the purpose of  the library?
  • genomic DNA that has been fragmented by RE
  • will include introns from eukaryotes

  • cDNA made from mRNA
    • for eukaryotes solve the problem of introns
  • similar methods of cut/paste into desired vector:  plasmid vs. phage
    • phage easier to screen larger numbers; larger inserts; pain to isolate and purify DNA from
    • plasmids are easier to work with once identified
Screening of colonies/plaques
  • how do you find the gene you want?
  • need a probe
    • a similar gene from another organism if the genes are similar enough
    • synthetic DNA based upon a protein sequence
      • need to take into account the degeneracy of genetic code
  • label the probe with radioactivity or a molecule that can be detected (e.g. biotin)
  • transfer plaques or phage to a solid support (nitrocelluose or nylon)
  • denature DNA into single strands
  • probe will anneal to DNA it is complimentary to
  • detect which plaque or colony contains desired DNA
  • retrieve the plaque or colony from original plate
Applications:  What can you do with a gene once you have it?
  • ask bacteria to make the protein for you
  • design in the appropriate promoter, Shine-Delgarno sequences to get transcription/translation
  • insulin is made by bacteria
    • make chains separately; join by disulfide bonds
  • human growth hormone; tissue plasminogen activator/enterokinase (dissolve blood clots); erythropoietin (stimulates RBC production); many others 
Transgenic Organisms
  • put the gene back into an organism
  • put the gene into the germ line; inject DNA into the nucleus of fertilized eggs; recombination
  • search out the gene in the population of offspring
  • this gene is now carried in the germ line and passed to succeeding generations
  • use similar techniques to knockout a gene and ask what effect it has on the organism
Agricultural Transgenic Plants
  • take a gene from one organism and put in a different type
  • artic fish anti-freeze protein and put into frost-sensitive plants --protects from freezing
  • insect toxin, Bt, express in plant to prevent insect damage:  corn, cotton
  • insert resistance to herbicides--soybeans
  • improve nutritional quality--"golden" rice--vitamin A in rice
  • prevent viral diseases
  • learn more about agricultural biotechnology
Is this bad, are these Frankenfoods?
  • plants and animals have been bred for thousands of years for desirable traits
  • trial and error to observe/produce the trait wanted
  • biotech simply shortens the time needed to introduce the trait
  • Compare enegy needed to grow potatoes conventionally with pesticides vs with Bt
  • do we need to be cautious--yes--products should be well tested before released
  • there are many benefits to be gained
    • better nutrition
    • fewer chemical pesticides
    • pharmaceuticals--edible vaccines
  • be informed and make a rational choice
PCR--polymerase chain reaction**
  • easy way to amplify specific regions of DNA
DNA sequencing**
  • determine the precise order of the bases
  • uses DNA polymerase, DNA primer (synthetic oligonucleotide of defined sequence), radioactive or fluorescently labeled dXTPs
  • low levels of dideoxy nucleotides to randomly stop elongation of DNA--once dideoxy is incorporated, no OH for chain elongation
  • represent every possible position
  • separate on a gel to see relative positions and read by "ladder" sequencing method

Gene Mapping
  • where is a gene on a chromosome
  • bacterial genes were mapped on how long it took for the gene to be transferred into another bacteria during conjugation
    • bacteria can exchange genetic information
    • problem with antibiotic resistance and toxin genes
  • compare the genetic map wit the physical map made from restriction fragments
Mapping of eukaryotic chromosomes more difficult
  • chromosome walking--end to end matching of DNA fragments
  • RFLPs--2 chromosomes--DNA in may vary in RE site from one chromosome to the other
  • lose a site or gain a site due to mutation in a gene
  • different lengths of "filler" DNA
    • distinguish individuals by cutting DNA with RE and comparing patterns--forensics
    • this can be done with genomic DNA and detect with a probe 
    • use PCR to amplify a specific region--compare sizes of product