
Writing Component: CH370 fulfills part of the basic writing requirement for a degree from UT- Austin. In addition to the exams and graded homework, there will be two special writing assignments.  The BLAST project is due October 10th and term paper due November 19th.  See "BLAST project" and Writing Assignments" on course WebPage for topic choices and more information.

Grading: There will be three sectional exams, a BLAST project, one writing assignment or special project, and three graded homework assignments.  Graded homework should be done as your own work (no joint effort or copying!!).  If you have questions on the Homework, contact the TA or myself.  Homework will be due on or before 8:45 on the due date - NO CREDIT for late homework after that time!!

     Course grades will be based on points earned out of 480 total points. 

            Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3:   100 pts each     = 300 pts
        Blast Assignment:                  60 pts             =   60 pts
            Term Paper
/ Project:            60 pts each     =   60 pts

            Graded Homework 1, 2, 3:    20 pts each     =   60 pts  (Homework to be done indep.)


  Note: A 10 pt bonus can be earned based on attendance and participation (iClicker results).

  No make-up exams will be given except for illnesses certified by a physician or pre-excused absences. 

There will be a "curve" for the course, but with the following maximum grade guidelines, i.e. if all students earn 70% or higher of no student would be assigned less than a grade of "C". 

        90 % of possible points 
        80 to 89 % of possible points 
        70 to 79 % of possible points 
        60 to 69 % of possible points 
     < 60 % of possible points 

Note:  Graded HW, BLAST project, and term paper (WC) will be graded on a straight 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% 

                           HW  A (18) / B (16) / C (14) / D (12)

                     BLAST  A (54) / B (48) / C (42) / D (36)

                           WC  A (54) / B (48) / C (42) / D (36)  (or Student Presentations)

EXAM RESULTS - High Score;  Low Score; Average and Initial Grade Breaks will be posted here:    (Note:  Your recorded scores via eGradeBook can be viewed via UTDirect.)  Results from last year's exams are as follows:


Fall 2013

Exam 1

              High Score = 100  /  Low Score =  40.5   /  Average = 83    

              Initial Grade Breaks:  A- ( 90 ) / B- ( 80  ) / C- ( 69 ) / D- ( 58 )

Exam 2  

              High Score = 99  /  Low Score =  39.5   /  Average =  74   

              Initial Grade Breaks:  A- ( 87 ) / B- ( 75 ) / C- (63) / D- ( 50  )

Exam 3

              High Score = 97  /  Low Score = 47  /  Average = 78    

              Initial Grade Breaks:  A- ( 89 ) / B- ( 78 ) / C- ( 67  ) / D- ( 55 )


Grade breaks are A/A- (441/427)  B+/B/B- (422/389/380)  C+/C/C- (370/332/323)  D+/D/D- (313/279/269) out of 480 pts.


   Reminder: Graded homework should be done as your own work (no joint effort or copying!!).  If you have questions on the Homework, contact the TA or myself.


Notes/Help for doing HW-2:  

   #1 The differential equation   F - fv = m(dv/dt)  solves to  v = (F/f) [ 1 - exp(-ft/m)].  

   #4(Data on backside) Calc. "s" from the sed. velocity data and "M" from the sedimentation equilibrium data.