CH370 -Syllabus and Links to Lecture Notes
Date | Topic/ Link to Lecture Notes | Chapter | Articles |
Aug. 30 | Introduction: - Review of ionic properties of a.a. and proteins pKa, pI (slides) | 1 | |
Sept. 4 | Review Protein and Nucleic Acid Structure: 2o, 3o, 4o Protein Folding (slides) | 1,3,4 | ROSETTA |
Sept. 6 | Properties of Nucleic Acids DNA Sequencing notes (ENCODE) (Genome Sequencing) Maxam Gilbert | Pyroseq | |
Sept. 11 | DNA Methods: sequencing and microarrays 1, 2, 3 (slides) | SystemsBiol | |
Sept. 13* | Next Generation Sequencing Methods and Applications (slides) Impact | NexGenRev | |
Sept. 18 | Web resources: NCBI / Sequence Alignments (notes) / terms / BLAST comp tools PDB HW-1 | EnzFunctInit | |
Sept. 20 | Cloning and Expression / Protein Purification - Isolation / (notes) (slides) | Expression Qiagen | |
Sept. 25 | Protein Purification / Chromatography - Catch-up & Review HW-1 due (PyroSeq paper) KEY HW-1 | Affinity ShigaTox | |
Sept. 27 | *** EXAM I *** Review Summary NOTE: Rm PHR 2.110 KEY | -- | |
Oct. 2 | Light and Matter Spectroscopy / Fluorescence FRET (notes) (Trp F) (tutorial) | 8,9,11 | FRET |
Oct. 4 | Discovery of X-rays and Radioactivity (Rontgen and X-rays) notes / slides | Tracer, TcImaging | |
Oct. 9 | Radioactive decay equations and counting radioactivity | ||
Oct. 11 | Electrophoresis IEF (primer on Protein Electrophoresis) DNA Electrophoresis On-line animations 1 2 slides BLAST due | 5 | 2DElect |
Oct. 16 | Centrifugation / Sed. Velocity (s); Sedimentation Equilibrium slides / applications | 5,13 | Sed Equil |
Oct. 18 | Light Scattering - static and dynamic slides / HW-2 | 7 | LS_Ultracent |
Oct. 23 | Circular Dichroism CD slides | 10 | MS_Mummy Proteins |
Oct. 25 | Mass Spectroscopy MS intro slides | 15 | MALDI MSMS |
Oct. 30 | MS cont. - Applications slides / Catch-up & Review | Sys Biol | |
Nov. 1 | Ligand Binding - Introduction / equations KJ / kinetics HW-2 due HW-2 KEY | 2,14 | |
Nov. 6** | **** EXAM II **** Review Summary NOTE: Exam in Rm PHR 2.110 KEY | ||
Nov. 8 | Ligand binding ITC / | 2,14 | MS_SPR_Xray |
Nov. 13 | Surface Plasmon Res SPR (SPR1, SPR2 ) Intro. to the PDB, Image Formation | ||
Nov. 15 | X-ray Crystallography -1 notes WC due | 6 | Xray |
Nov. 20 | X-ray Crystallography -2 notes HW-3 | 6 | |
Nov. 22 | ****** THANKSGIVING ****** | 12 | |
Nov. 27 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - notes | NMR | |
Nov. 29 | Electron Microscopy - EM ; other imaging methods notes | EM, EM-2 | |
Dec 4 | Drug Discovery / High Throughput Assay ( Dr Zhang) HW-3 due | ||
Dec. 6 | ***** EXAM III *** Review Summary NOTE: Rm PHR 2.110 | ||
*September 14 - Last day to drop without possible academic penalty.
**November 6 - Last day undergraduates can drop a course for non-academic reasons, with the Dean's permission.
*HW-2: F - fv = m(dv/dt) solves to v = (F/f) [ 1 - exp(-ft/m)]. Calc. "s" for sed. velocity data and "M" from sedimentation equilibrium data.